I am a student at the world class and selective international college "Scienses Po" and was born and raised in Vienna and my upbringing has a rich international influence. Professionally, I'm a developer in the field of Data Science. I graduated with distinction from the oldest school in Vienna (established by Emperor Ferdinand I). In my younger years, I had the opportunity to be the main actor in an award-winning film. I've also traveled extensively, visiting over 20 countries, which has led to an international network of friendships. Multilingualism is one of my strengths, with proficiency in German, English, French, and Arabic. In my spare time, I enjoy endurance sports.  

I completed high school and have received the highest possible mark

My 15th birthday on American Airlines Berlin New York

My meeting with Branko Lustig (Producer of Schindler's list, Gladiator, ...)


Casting for the Hollywood movie

Beirut 2016.


My scenes from the movie Schleierhaft 2013

Schleierhafdt was the winner of many film festivals, also the Stamped Film Festival for the best writing, Best Cinematography, and Best Performance of the Festival 2015


Triathlon Podersdorf, Austria 2021

Gallery of activities